"Da Nang is known as the tourist capital of South-Central Vietnam, with a west coast location that makes for beautiful sunsets against an impressive backdrop of lush mountains."
"A rich and unique Asian culture, amazing Buddhist temples, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, delicious and healthy cuisine and a world-class city"
"Tokyo is famous for being a city of the future, with its skyscrapers, bullet trains, Electric Town (Akihabara) and even a robot restaurant."
"Famous for its beaches and surf, Bauhaus and sushi, the city is a magnet for tech companies, startups and LGBTQ visitors."
"Marseille is also the sunniest major city in the country, and a popular travel destination all year round."
"Vienna is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. It's a great city for shopping, dining, and sightseeing. The City of Vienna offers an incredible mix of culture, food and history."
"It's got world-class food, stunning historical landmarks, and some of the best hospitality around the globe."
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"Unique architecture, multicultural environment, overseas property demand and top tourist attractions."
"This sun-soaked city is popular among globetrotters for both its natural and materialistic beauty."